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karla gurrola max and karla March 2, 2014
i never met you but ive followed your story and i have an angel like you and i deeply feel so bad and god took you because u are an angel.god bless ur family and comfort them always it must be so are always in my heart christopher!!!i always pray for u!!!!
Sierralynn Carroll I remember you from the sunday school December 6, 2013
You were always the smartest little boy...You knew everything snd more there was to know about God's love...Ill never forget that day when Brianna fell and scraped her knee; you ran as fast as you could to get some napkins and a band-aid...You came back panting like a dog and you asked God to bless her and to help her healin...Now im asking God to make notice of how perfect of a little boy you were and to bless those SICK people that did this to you and for god to let them live a hellish life!!! But baby we know you went out with a fight whether crying of pain or surrendering to abuse...You are in a better pleace now
keisha R.I.P January 14, 2013
bambi summers a beauiful baby October 11, 2012
hi christopher it windy outside today its fall hey i miss you hey happy halloween of 2012 baby i love you god will destory them you are a beauiful little boy rest in peace baby hugs and kisses
bambi summers sweet angel May 15, 2012
christopher  we miss you so much i dont know you but you are a beauiful little boy it made me cry when i read your storys
Timothy Ross I have no memories of Christopher January 30, 2012
I have no memories of Christopher but this story touched my heart . I ran across this story on the internet. May God always hold your heart  with loving comfort. Im a stranger but im sorry that Christopher had to endure this absurd experience. May Gods love  forever be sent to you and your family. 

Timothy Ross 
LOVE Gone too soon.. December 7, 2011
You will never be forgotten. Gone too soon. Bless you family always. 
There are no words adequate enough to express how I feel. If it were one of my children this had happened to, I would be committed to a mental facility a completely broken person. I hope that those guilty of this crime SUFFER. I hope that the hounds of hell come for them at the time of their deaths and drag them to the depths of darkness for all eternity.

I feel that the angels came for Christopher and took his spirit before his physical body died. I somehow just feel this. And I know he is with God and that he's aware of how you are affected by his death. He is at peace now and not in pain - he is an enlightened being and has a special purpose in Heaven. I somehow just feel this really strongly and I don't know why.
You will be greeted by Christopher again, please have peace knowing this. Whenever your mind turns to those dark thoughts of what he endured, please know that he is free from that now. My heart goes out to you and to all of your family. May God bless and keep you and help you cope.
Jury decides Edenfield should be execute

BRUNSWICK — The jury that found David Edenfield guilty of murdering and sexually abusing his 6-year-old neighbor authorized his execution Tuesday.

The jury deliberated just over two hours before coming back about 6:25 p.m. with the sentence that Judge Stephen Scarlett made the order of the court.

Scarlett also sentenced Edenfield, 61, to life on two counts of aggravated child molestation and 20 years each on charges of aggravated child molestation and cruelty to children. Scarlett ordered the sentences, each the maximum penalty allowed by law,  to be served consecutively.

He structured the sentences in such a way that Edenfield will not live long enough to serve out any of them even if his death penalty were overturned.

The family of the victim, Christopher Barrios Jr., left the courtroom smiling. His mother, Latrina Keith, hugged Special Assistant District Attorney John B. Johnson and said, “Thank you.”

His father, Mike Barrios, and his grandmother, Sue Rodriguez, told reporters they were happy with the sentence and that they felt Christopher’s presence in the courtroom throughout the weeklong trial and that they drew strength from it.

Although it is likely to be delayed for years on appeal, the judge signed a death warrant scheduling Edenfield’s execution between Nov. 13 and Nov. 20 .

Both Barrios and Rodriguez said they wanted to see him executed.

“If I’m not dead by then, I’ll be there and so will my mom,” Barrios said.

Asked what he would say to Edenfield, Barrios said, “I’d say, 'We got you.’

“Christopher got his justice today, but we’ve got two more to go,”  he said.

Still to be tried are Edenfield’s wife, Peggy, 58, and their son, George, 34, a convicted sex offender, also charged with murder, cruelty to children and other charges that match those against David Edenfield.

District Attorney Stephen Kelley said both will be prosecuted, and their cases will proceed as soon as possible.

Justice for Christopher was a theme for the hundreds of volunteers who had searched days for the boy after his March 8, 2007, disappearance until he was found a week later. The theme echoed in Kelley’s argument as he asked them to impose the death penalty.

Justice demands that the punishment fit the crime, and the only punishment fit for Christopher’s savage sexual assault and horrific, torturous murder is the death penalty, Kelley said.

“But for one man’s cold heart, but for one man’s depraved mind, Christopher Barrios would be alive today,” he said.

Kelley reminded jurors of the evidence — including Edenfield’s own words in a recorded confession — that he sodomized Christopher before choking him to death, “acting on instinct” because he wanted to see what it felt like to choke somebody.

He asked jurors to recall the evidence that Edenfield then sexually gratified himself over the boy’s naked, lifeless body before the child was wrapped in five plastic garbage bags and dumped, like trash, in the woods.

In his closing argument, Kelley at one point blurted out that Edenfield was “this animal.”
Edenfield’s attorneys immediately objected and asked Scarlett to admonish the veteran prosecutor. They also moved for a mistrial, which the judge denied.

Appearing surprised at his own words, Kelley immediately apologized to the jury. The judge instructed the panel to disregard Kelley’s remark because it was improper.
After the trial, Kelley said the emotion that triggered the description was real.

“I have children of my own. I felt very strongly. It wasn’t an act. I want justice for Christopher,” he said.

Defense lawyer John Beall IV  argued that Edenfield’s life should be spared.

Edenfield “is not a cancer on society, but a human being,” Beall told jurors.

“We ask you to consider mercy even though some of you may feel David deserves none,” he said.

Edenfield will die in prison, Beall said, regardless if he is executed or sentenced to life with or without parole.

Pointing to Christopher’s family in the courtroom, Beall said, “The hole in the hearts of his family and friends will not be healed with the death of David Edenfield.”

Co-counsel James Yancey Jr. told the jury they should spare Edenfield’s life because he should not receive a greater punishment than that which might be imposed on his wife and their son.

Both Yancey and Beall left court without commenting.

The three Edenfields moved to Canal Mobile Home Park after they were informed that as a convicted sex offender, George could not live close to a park where children gathered.

Brunswick has a park with playground equipment that occupies a full block a short distance from their former home.

At the mobile home park, the Edenfield house sat between the mobile homes of Christopher’s father and his grandmother. In walking between their homes, the boy passed by a corner of the Edenfields’ rented mobile home.

He disappeared while playing in the park.

It had taken the jury of six men and six women empaneled in Jeff Davis County less than two hours Monday to find Edenfield guilty of murder, cruelty to children, two counts of aggravated child molestation, and one count each of child molestation, tampering with evidence and concealing a death.

Barrios said they were grateful to all the volunteers who had helped search for his son, and lauded Glynn County police as well as Kelley and Johnson for their hard work bringing Edenfield to justice.



I will forever think about this beautiful child..He looks like my 7yr old son Tysen.not a day goes by im not reminded of the pain he endured. My heart breaks for his pain....To his parents..hes in a better place........Be blessed.

Ms Debi

God Loves U Lil Baby.

So do I...

Mrs. Lewis

I am just hearing about this tragedy because of the trial.

My heart aches, my mind is in disbelief that someone could do this to another human being.

I am also livid that more attention was not brought to this story by the media. I happend to see the link on the ajc on sunday afternoon. 

Christopher is now resting with our Lord and Savior Jesus "Christ" No more pain or sorrow.

My prayers go out to the family because you are the ones left here to deal with the loss and murder of your loved one. I can only say, hold your family closer and look to Christ as your comfort "He Is" the only one who can get you through this.  I have a 5 year old son and 10 year old daughter and I cant even imagine what you are going through. But I know that God will carry you through.

God bless and your family is forever in my family prayers

I've read so many stories about childeren that died at a very young age. But Christopher's story made me cry so much. I guess it was because it was hurting me seeing his pictures with his beautiful smile, knowing he died... Rest In Paradise Christopher<3 My prayers go out to his family and close friends.
holly taylor
OMG so sad
Connie Briley
Mike, Paula and family
In life we take so many things for granted and we don't realize that the next day they could be gone. That should never be the case when a child is concerned. Christopher was an angel. I had the chance to meet the family and get to know the details of what took place when Christopher vanished. This story has haunted me from the moment I read about it in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. How can one human be so inhumane not to mention THREE! The fourth was claimed to be mentally retarded  but he managed to dump that baby on the side of the road in a trash bag. He deserves to get the death penalty just like the other 3 idiots. Not too dumb would have been my vote if I had been involved in that jury. He would have never walked free. I have jury duty next week and I really do hope I don't get a case like this one because I will make it my mission to convict them. When it comes to a child I will defend them at all cost. I never knew Christopher but I wish I had the chance to; but one thing is for sure, he is heaven watching over everyone that cared about him. I bet that is a lot of people now. He has touched so many of us by this horrible incident although we wish we could have heard about him in a different manner. God bless the family and you stay in the Briley family prayers always. We love you all.
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