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Everyone that met him, fell in love with him...

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Christopher Michael Barrios Jr. who was born in Brunswick Georgia on January 2, 2001 and passed away on March 8, 2007 at the age of 6. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.


On March 8, 2007 our whole world came to a stop.  That was the day my boyfriends son (Christopher Barrios Jr.) was taken from our neighborhood.  Little did we know that morning when we woke up, that our lives would be changed forever.  We prayed everyday for Christopher safe return home to us while law enforcement and many volunteers from all over searched for him day in and day out.  Exactly a week later, on March 15th.  Every parents worst fears became our reality.  The cheif of police came to our house and told us that they had found Christopher but he was no longer with us.  He was found only a few miles from where we live in a trash bag on the side of the road.


There is 3 people being charged with capital murder for Christopher's death.  A man named George Edenfield - a register child molester, his mother (Peggy Edenfield) and his father (David Edenfield)





January 2, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Christopher


You Are Dearly Missed...



Christopher's Big Brother, Brevin







Paula, Mike, Sue,Frank, Rachael & Shannon



Christopher's Beautiful HeadStone And Bench

Arrived August 27, 2007 


Special Thanks To Joanne And Tonya Glenn For Setting Up The Funraiser So Christopher Could Have A Beautiful HeadStone.


And A Special Thanks To All Who Donated For This Special Cause.



A Special Thanks To The Anonymous Person Who Donated The Beautiful Bench.



Another Special Thanks To Bailey's Monument For Doing Such A Wonderful Job.


Thanks To Everyone For All The Prayers And Support.





Christopher is loved and missed by....


His Dad and Paula. His mom. Brothers: Jordan Barrios, Brevin Barrios,
LeDerick Kieth. Sister: Valencia Dallas. Grandparents: Sue and Luis Rodriguez, and Sharon Mathis. Aunt: Wendy Barrios, Charity Barrios, Jodi Leyva. Uncles: Larry Inkelaar, Johnny Haymans, Frank Barrios and Charlie Barrios. Cousins: Tyler Maurello, Chloe Maurello, Lacey Maurello, Colton Inkelaar, Jacque Inkelaar, Mikaela Inkelaar, Sandra Mata, Jesus Mata, Maleno Mata, Juan Everette, Jessica Reyes, Jaylisa Haymans, Jessica Haymans, Jonathan Haymans and Jerry Haymans.


And Many More.....







 We are connected, Christopher and I,

By an invisible cord not seen by the eye.


It's not like the cord that connects us at birth,

This cord can't be seen by any on Earth.


This cord does its work right from the start,

It binds us together attached to my heart.


I know that its there, thought no one can see,

The invisible cord from Christopher to me.


The strength of this cord is hard to describe,

It can't be destroyed, it can't be denied.


Its stronger than any cord man could create,

It withstands any test, can hold any weight.


Though you are gone and you're not here with me,

The cord is still there but no one can see.


It pulls at my heart, I am bruised, I am sore,

But this cord is my lifeline as never before.


I'm thankful that God connects us this way,

A parent (Guardian) and child, death can't take away.




My Little Boy

Your little boy cries too much
My little boy makes no sound
Your little boy is warm to touch
Mine lies cold in the ground

Your little boy woke up today
My Angel never will
Your little boy can laugh and play
My little boy lies still

Your little boy makes you so proud
But just as proud as I
Cause though your boy will learn to walk
My little boy can FLY!




If love could undo a wrong,

You'd be home where you belong.


The choices that were made,

Caused you to rest where you were laid.


You were young and didn't know,

We'd lose you and miss you so.


Too young to really understand,

So God reached out His mighty hand.


Now you hear the Angels sing,

And you don't want for anything.


You're finally safe from earthly harms,

Wrapped up in God's loving arms.


Although i miss you everyday,

I know heavens where you'll stay.


But someday Christopher, we'll meet again,

When I walk through the gate to heaven!! 



I thought of you with love today
But that is nothing new,
I thought about you yesterday
And the days before that too.
I think of you in silence
I often speak your name,
All I have are memories
And your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake
With which
I'll never part
God has you in His keeping
I have you in my HEART


~Made by Valerie Gill~




That the stars above

Are really the souls

Of you loved ones

Keeping watch over

You all through

The night


~Made by Valerie Gill~



My Dad is a Survivor



My dad is a survivor too

Which is no surprise to me.

He's always been like a lighthouse

That helps you cross a stormy sea.



But, I walk with my dad each day

To lift him when he's down.

I wipe the tears he hedes from others;

He cries when no one's around.



I watch him sit up late at night

With my picture in his hand.

He cries as he tries to grieve alone,

And wishes he could understand.




My dad is like a tower of strength.

He's the greatest of the all!

But, there are times when he needs to cry...

Please be there when he falls.



Hold his hand or pat his shoulder...

And tell him it's okay.

Be his strength when he's sad,

Help him mourn in his own way.



Now, as I watch over my precious dad

From the Heavens up above...

I'm so proud tht he's a survivor...

And, I can still feel his love.






~Made by Valerie Gill~





~Made by Valerie Gill~ 



~Jesus Mata holding a necklace of his cousin~






This sketch was made by Harold Turner

~Thanks for the beautiful picture!!~

 be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord.








I had to leave so quickly

No time to say goodbye

I know your heart is breaking

And you just wonder why




You couldn't be there to help me

But please don't be sad

It's not your fault

And I really love you dad!





Besides, an Angel came in your place that day

And gently took me by my hand

Then with a smile she said,

"Come with me little man"




She led me up to Heaven

Where the lights were shining bright

Where there are no tears, pain or suffering

And there's no fear of the night




I really didn't die, you know

So stay close to God and pray

I just went to live with Jesus

And we'll be together again one day



Good Night, God Bless, I Love You!














Wings of An Angel


From our hearts to yours filled with pain.  The

unimaginable anger, in life it may linger, but never

let it hinder the time you had together.





The binds and ties that will never be broken as God

held him tight and told the angels to take flight to

prepare the night for a glorious site.




On the wings of angels and under the bosom of

God, Christopher flies to heavenly skies laughing,

smiling and enjoying the ride with no remebrance

of how he died.  Safely in heaven is where he

abides, with wings and a hallo waiting his arrival.



His first task is to let you know he will always be

with you.  A star in the skies to always remind you

he will be there when it is time for your arrival.























If tears could build a stairway

If tears could build a stairway,

And memories a lane,

I would walk right up to heaven

And bring you back again.






No farewell words were spoken,

No time to say "goodbye"

You were gone before I knew it,

And only God knows why.





My heart still aches with sadness,

And secret tears still flow,

What it meant to love you-

No one will ever know.




But now I know you want me

To morn for you no more;

To remember all the happy times,

Life still has much more in store.



Since you will never be forgotten,

I pledge to you today-

A hollowed place in our hearts,

Is where you will always stay.










Do not stand by my grave and weep.

I am not there, I do no sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow,

I am the diamond glints upon the snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain and

I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning's hush,

I am that swift uplifting rush,

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft star that shines at night.

Do not stand by my grave and cry,

I am not there, I did not die.








Releasing the doves for Christopher......


A child that loses a parent is an orphan, 
A man who loses his wife is a widower,
A woman who loses her husband is a widow, 
There is no name for a parent that loses a child,
For there is no word to describe the PAIN!!!!!!!




~Made By Valerie Gill~




~Picture taken by Valerie Gill~


~*~You are my sunshine Christopher and you are what keeps me going, day in, and day out, Rest In Peace sweet angel until the day we meet again~*~



*~Cherish Every Moment~*


Quick Gallery
Christopher's Class Merry Christmas Christopher Jordan visiting his big brother