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Lily In God's arms November 3, 2008
Dear Mike and Paula.  My family and I are so sorry to hear about your loss.  Nobody truly knows God's plan or the meaning behind it.  Know that we are all God's children and that the angel he sent you to brighten up your life has returned to him with word of your great deeds.  You have been an inspiration to all those around you, who at this time of peril, suffer with your loss of such a beautiful life taken so young.  May the almighty bless you always, for your compassion and unselfish devotion to Christopher.  Our thought and prayers are with you and your family, today and always.
Ellie God Bless November 3, 2008
I have never read a story so sad.  I can't believe the evil around us all.  Christopher will be missed not only by his family who loved him so much but also by many strangers around the world.  Just by looking at his pictures, I can tell he was an amazing child.  It really saddens me that someone could take the life of another human being but for someone to take the life of an innocent child just sickens me beyond compare.  Christopher was a beautiful child and now a beautiful angel.  I am so sorry for your lose and my heart goes out to you and your entire family.  My prayers are with you.  God Bless.
Sandra Fisher The World Loves You November 3, 2008
You know there has to a special punishment for people who do horrible things to little children, such as was done to little Christopher.  My heart is hurting soooo soooo bad for all the love ones he left behind.  I have never lost a child,  and hope never to lose one,  so I have no ideal the of t he pain you must be feeling.  I can only imagine that it must be unbearable.  Oh God that has to be the worst pain in the entire world.  I am praying for God to heal your heart each and every day.  This is the first time I have heard about this.  It is a terrible thing to happen to a child.
jodi deepest symphathy October 31, 2008
my heart goes out to you and your family.....i will pray for you all and for christopher
Rebecca Thinking of your family October 30, 2008
 I come from Perth, Western Australia and  only just found about about what little Christopher went through a few minutes ago after reading a news article that referred to his ordeal. I decided to do a search to find out more about the story and in every one, I kept seeing the same picture of him...smiling and looking so fragile and innocent. I am total stranger from the other side of the world, and yet 1 year and 7 months after the atrociousness of what Christopher went through, I have been so deeply moved that I am bawling my eyes out as I type this message.
I have a 16 month old son, who has the same gentle, angelic smile as Christopher did i that photo and I cherish my boy so much and I am was so scared about the kind of world I have brought him into for things like this to happen. But I am also humbled and hopeful when I read these beautiful messages of condolence.
I am so sorry, enraged, sickened, and despairing over what happened to Christopher. Those evil sub-human monsters need to pay dearly for the pain and terror they put him through, as well as the utter turmoil that his family will all suffer every day for the rest of their lives as they miss out on having their little boy to share their lives with.
I wish I could have been privileged enough to have known Christopher, but I am grateful that I have learned that he did, at one point, exist on this earth and leave his special footprint in the hearts of those he loved and who so dearly loved him back and will do so forever, until they meet again.
Please accept my deepest condolences and know that there is one more person in the world who is praying for your family.
The Escutia Family Sorry Didnt write sooner October 30, 2008

Im sooo sorry to have taken so long...this is a terrible thing to have to go are in my prayers and i constantly have this story in my head..a lil boy who barely got to live life and had it taken away by some SICK MENTALLY DERANGED PEOPLE....although he is in a better place and has no worries now  the pain of not haveing him present must be condelences go out to anyone who knew this child and especially his mother father and paula and ESPECIALLY the lil brother that will always miss the big heart aches for you but he is now your angel looking over you...May GOD bless you and give the stregnth to continue through each day....

Always in Our Prayers,

Antoinette,Albert, Albert Jr and Aidyn

T's mom God bless you Christopher. October 30, 2008
I have no idea how I didn't hear about this...but let me say I am deeply, deeply saddened to hear of what happened to this beautiful little boy, and I am so sorry for what he went through, and the family he left behind. I am a single mother to a little boy myself and I can't even's just a disgusting and horrible thing that happened. Children are innocent, they're ours to love and protect, they're trusting and loving and ANYONE sick enough to harm them and take away that innocence deserves a death worse than anything any sentencing could give them. Sweet little Christopher, I'm so sorry you went through what you did and may you rest in peace. God bless you!
Heather M. So Sorry About Your Woderful Little Boy October 30, 2008

I have read several news articles about little Christopher.  I would just like to tell his family and everybody whose lives he touched while he was on earth, that I am truly sorry for your loss and I will continue to pray for all of you.  May god help ease your pain during the difficult times and the days ahead.


I am a mother of a three year old boy and I cant even begin to imagine what I would do, if this would have happened to me.  God wants us to forgive, well in this matter, it would be hard to forgive.  I am afraid that I would take matters in my own hands and have gotten rid of those sick individuals myself.


My heart aches for you all and I pray that the days ahead may become somewhat easier to deal with.


God Bless.

Sonia sympathy October 30, 2008
I recall reading about your son when he went missing, and then it seems like it disappeared from the papers here. I saw the story today about the photo and the soap opera and I did a search and was just horrified by this outcome. He was such a handsome little guy with so much light in his face. How any human being can do something like this is beyond comprehension.
Trust and pray that your son served a purpose. That he is now one of God's littlelest angels and that everyone who comes across his face will have words of sympathy to offer you.

Mary Prayers October 30, 2008

Your son was very beautiful!! He is now one of God's Angel in heaven watching over his family. It's hard to forget someone you love very much.

Tracye Henderson Thinking of your family October 28, 2008

Till this very day, I am deeply saddened by the loss of your loved one.  I have two boys ages 6 and 8.  My 8 year old is named Kristopher...just like your Christopher..he too likes SpiderMan and baseball.  I give my boys a hug everyday because you never know what can happen.  Even though, I have never met your son, I do grieve over him.  It tugs at my heart all the time.  I pray that you and your family will experience God's healing.  I know that your little Angel is watching you from heaven above.  He is certainly in a better place.  This world is filled with such wickedness...but, God will see to it that the wicked will not go unpunished.  May the Lord's love and grace be with your family each and every day.  I wish I could give you all a great big hug.  I'm going to keep praying for your family. 

Michele Mobley One of God's needed Angels October 16, 2008
My heart, thoughts, and prayers are with you, and have been from the beginning. Remember that God needed a special angel by his side and he chose little Christopher as that special angel and that he already had Christopher's precious little soul wrapped safely in his arms before the devil even looked at him. God bless you all, God blessed Christopher with the family he HAS!   God Bless!
Julio Cuesta Missing the Little Guy. October 11, 2008

Just missing the Little Guy a little more than normal. Just wanted to stop by and say a special Hello.


Looking forward to my day in heaven when I meet the Lord, Mary and all Angels and Saints. Got lots of family members and old friends to catch up with. And of course, Christopher.


Hope you are having a blast Christopher. May God continue to Bless your entire family.

Wm.Clark Drew II Condolonces October 9, 2008

I wish to extend my condolonces to the family of this beautiful soul who left the world too soon,i hope those monsters that killed him get whatever punishment comes their way,goid knows they deserve it!!

Wm.Clark Drew II



Shae Avera Beautiful Boy September 9, 2008
I don't know why I thought of Christopher today, but I did. Please know that we love you and know that he is in heaven now. The monsters ont his earth that did this to him will get their just reward. There is a special place in hell....  Rest in peace beautiful boy.
Ms Debi Someone missing Chritopher August 15, 2008

I am one who has followed this case since this Angel fist went missing.  Tho it has been more than a year, I still feel like I did the day I came home from work to find they had found him, when I think about it. 


And I always cry...


If ANYONE knows when these cretin go to trial, please send that info to:  I have since moved from GA but try and follow as much as I can.  I have sent emails to the Journal-Constitution and they dont seem to know.


Rest in peace Lil Angel, Justice will be served in your name, Baby.

God Bless the Family who has to do without this Angel...


Ms Debi*

Stephanie Wykle Guardian Angels August 1, 2008

  I don't know what type of pain you have endured, due to the circumstances.  But I have lost 2 of my own children, both were taken before I had a chance to make memories with them both.  I delivered them both stillborn and my sons birthday was just July 29th he would have been 13, hi name was Remington Chase, his sister was born April 5, She would have been 4.  I thank God every day fr my other sn and daughter that blessedly was sent to me in between these 2.  I am so sorry for your loss, words cannot express, but I can tell you he's not alone and god has chosen special parents like us to be strong and share our love and I can just pray for you and don't ever forget that every little thing that you remember or every wordthat is spoken, people don't always have the right words to say, that's just because they have never had to lose and bury a child.  He'll always be with you, mine are with me every day.  Love always Stephanie, Colton, and Kaitryn

Sweet Dreams for all of our angels that leave before their time.

Amber Carter/ Moultrrie Ga. **Sweet Angel** July 10, 2008

**Sweet Angel** I never met you or heard your voice but after reading about your death I cried for you for days as though you were my own. I have never had a calling in my life until now. At 23 years old I know what God put me here for and that is to keep your memory alive and fight for children's right in this country. Christopher, my sweet angel, I tuck my babies in at night and pray to God that you visit me in my dreams and give me the strength I so need. I look at your memorial page everyday. If I don't I feel incomplete. I will light a candle for you everyday of my life. That is a promise to you. I know you are watching over me Christopher. I just know it. I will be starting your memorial garden in my back yard soon so please Bless It with your love. One more thing. Help me to reach your family. Please! Lead me to them. I will be waiting........Until then.....Go Rest High On That Mountain....Son Your Work On Earth Is Done......Go To Heaven A'Shoutin Love For The Father And Son....................................Rest In Peace Sweet Angel......

You are always and forever in My Heart 

S. Saenz Touched by an Angel July 5, 2008

You don't know me, but I work with children daily and my sister actually sent me to see Christopher's page (my aunt passed on 6-20-08)  and I am so glad I did... Christopher seemed to be a playful, sweet lil boy and it's unfortunate that he had to be taken from this world in the way that he was.  The memory page, poems and touching pics brought me to tears and I felt compelled to write and say that I am truely sorry for your loss...  -S

PS... I hope that the 3 criminals pay for this horrible crime... I believe they ALL deserve the death penalty even the mother and the other "retarded" guy... No one should ever take an innocent child from anyone! It's just wrong and it makes me highly upset.

I wish you and your family the strength in dealing with this unthinkable pain!

Lissette Barrios An angel in heaven June 29, 2008

We share the last name however I never had the opportunity to meet the little angel. I am so sorry for your lost, may God Bless the family and may christopher rest in peace. Christopher is now along side other little angles, he is in peace, he is feeling no pain and he only feels love in his heart. He sits along side God watching over you waiting to meet you again.

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