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Tania Wagner
Thinking of you a lot this week. Praying for peace, hope & justice for your family. Watch over them, ok? 4ever in my heart.
Michelle Christian
How's my favorite #1 boy 2day? Im ok, still missing you though, and wishing you were here with Daddy & Paula! ILUVU baby!!
Julio Cuesta
Loving U more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow. How true that applies to U Little Angel. LovingU always.
Janet Sanchez
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I love you little man....
Irene MomNY
U are in my heart little man. Hope you are enjoying heaven with grandpa. Praying for you and your family.
julio cuesta
Papa Luis is a very lucky man. No longer suffering and with U and the Lord. You two must be very happy. LovingU always.
Michelle Christian
Hello my cutie! I was sooo sad last night while thinking of u, but today I realize how happy you must be with papa, ILOVEU babyboo
Tania Wagner
I just know Papa Luis is happy and laughing with you, Little Man. You must be thrilled to finally have him w/u again. Love U much.
Tania Wagner
You have your papa Luis with you now, Chris! How happy you both must be. Luv, miss & think of you daily.
Michelle Christian
Hi lil man, hows that pony ride on papa Luis's knee?? I know you both R so happy to be 2geather again, I am happy for U both!!
Julio Cuesta
I am so happy that U had 10 candle and 1 tribute yesterday. And now U have Grandpap with U. Watch over your family with him. LoveU
Michelle Christian
The more I love U the more I miss you,I can't bring you back but to ur family I can remain true! I am their friend 4ever! LUVU
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